
We are looking for true stories – the threads that weave together to form the tapestry of life in our province. Take the time to review previously published content to familiarize yourself with the styles and content of fellow storytellers. We are open to unique approaches that counter much of the traditional mainstream media. Be personal. Tell us something interesting about where you live and what people do to work, to pass the time and to entertain themselves. Tell us about history, people, places, food, culture and nature. Introduce us to some real characters! Not just stories from the past, but also contemporary stories from young and old that contribute to the sustainability and appreciation of rural lifestyles.

The PARNS curation team accepts photos, text, audio and video stories. All submissions will be reviewed. Please review Guidelines for Submissions. We do not publish fiction. We do not accept content that is thinly-disguised advertising or publicity. At the moment, you can submit content in the following categories and sub categories:

IN WORD: photo stories, collections

IN VIDEO: video moments, short films, documentaries

IN PHOTO: albums, digital albums, FACES

IN AUDIO: sound bites, stories in audio (conversations), musical moments

Suggest Story Ideas or Storytellers

Some of the best content on the site right now comes from the suggestions of others. For example, the idea for “Jesus Took My Burden and Blessed Me with a Song: The Story of Kass Gerro” came from her grandson, Clifton Gerro and Pat Smith, a librarian at the People’s Place Library in Antigonish.

Provide Us With Information

  1. Submit Nicknames – In the parts of the Eastern Mainland of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton settled by the Highland Scots giving people nicknames was a common practice. Traditionally, many people were named after their parents and grandparents. The nickname was how someone could identify which MacDonald you were referring to. Creighton Jewks from the Antigonish 5 Cents to 1 Dollar Store and some of his friends assembled an extensive list of names. We’d like to build on this list and invite people to submit to PARNS new nicknames that haven’t made it to the list as yet.
  1. Submit Reports and Papers – We welcome well researched studies. As the archive expands, we want to build our Resources section in the hopes that teachers and students can use some of the stories for educational purposes. Ideally this section will house documents which can place our stories in a wider context. For example, A Guide to Beginning Farmers in Nova Scotia (2016), originally prepared by Rebecca Sooksom from the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture, could provide someone with information about what the Sisters of St. Martha are trying to accomplish in “Martha’s Garden”.

Submitting Story Collections

The same rules apply for uploading story collections, but the collections can be divided into sub headings or sub sections with text no longer than 2,200 words for each section and fewer photos.

 General Writing Tips

It’s important to remember that writing for the Internet is different from writing for a print magazine. Web readers typically scan the page, so use short sentences and paragraphs. Use sub-headings and bullet lists if necessary to make it easier for readers. We are strong believers in the value of plain language, and we may contact you to edit your work to eliminate academic or business jargon. Add rich detail to your writing. Where did your grandfather learn to fiddle? Instead of “The MacDonalds of Bayfield had a big family”, write “Gramma and Grandpa MacDonald raised twelve children on their farm in Bayfield.”