People’s Archive of Rural Nova Scotia

Stories of Everyday Life, Everyday People

Townhouse Session Players

In 2016 the players recorded a CD which turned out to be a highly successful fundraiser for the local food bank.

Arts & Music

Musicians, sculpturers, dancers, voice and visual artists. Music and the arts provide many opportunities for rural people to express their creativity. These stories highlight artisans, craftspeople, artists, and musicians.


Fenn Martin, ceramic artist

Fenn Martin, ceramic artist

Fenn Martin of Antigonish county is a masterful ceramic artist whose rural themes speak volumes about our history, rural economy and culture. Fenn designs and delivers custom ceramic sculptures that link architectural spaces with the communities of people who use...

A Story by Stan Chapman

A Story by Stan Chapman

Well known fiddler and fiddle teacher Stan Chapman told this interesting and amusing story while on a trip to the Magdalene Islands. It happened at an international fiddle workshop in California (which...

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