We wish to acknowledge the funding support we received for the project from the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage through the Nova Scotia Culture and Youth Activities Program and the 150 Forward Fund.
We also received funding from the Antigonish International Film Festival (AIFF) and the Antigonish County Adult Learning Association (ACACLA).
Advisory Team
Our advisory team consists of members inspired by the work of P.Sainath on the People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI) and representatives from the delivery partners.
- Peter Murphy, Filmmaker, Seabright Productions
- Lise de Villiers, Executive Director, Antigonish County Adult Learning Association (ACALA)
- Dr. Carole Roy, Associate Professor, Adult Education, St. Francis Xavier University (StFX), AIFF
- Kathryn Collicott, Project Coordinator, ACALA
- Elaine MacLean, Retired Faculty Librarian, StFX, AIFF
- Anuj Jain, Senior Fellow, Microfinance and Development, Coady International Institute
- Richard Perry, Paqtnkek Communications
Community Support
- John Graham-Pole and Dorothy Landers, Antigonish Health and Arts
- Lewis MacKinnon, Gaelic Affairs
- Bart Sears, Antigonish Historical Society
- Eric Stackhouse, Chief Librarian, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library
- David Swick, Professor of Journalism, Kings College, Halifax
Website – Simply Ducky, WordPress Open Source
- Crispin Cornect, Web Developer and Designer
- Ashley Bouchie, Content Manager and Layout Specialist
In-House Story Producing Team (alphabetically)
Eva Bertrand-Brunelle, Kevin Briand, Leroy Borden, Kathryn Collicott, Lise de Villiers, Keaton Evans, Clifton Gerro, Holly Hiltz, Peter Murphy, David Overmaars, Richard Perry
Professional Contributors and Supporters (alphabetically)
- Chris Beckett, The Green Interview, Arcadia Pictures
- Aaron Beswick, Reporter for the Chronicle Herald
- Stephanie Covey, Photographer
- Corrine Dunphy, Filmmaker
- Anna Syperek, Artist, logo design and content
- Tim Wilson, Filmmaker, Personamedia
At the moment, the People’s Archive of Rural Nova Scotia (PARNS) is the work of a relatively small group of people; the majority of the participants are volunteering their time even though they have very demanding day jobs.