People’s Archive of Rural Nova Scotia

Stories of Everyday Life, Everyday People

Lobster Fishers of Ballantyne’s Cove – Seacrest II

Oct 22, 2017 | Land & Sea

Seacrest II

David Bond, Blain Bond, Steve Bond

Vessel name: Seacrest II

Age of boat: 11 years

Reason for name: “It came with the boat. You can’t take the name off the boat.”

Berth: Straight up the shore.

Obtained licence from: His dad, Brian Bond.

about 20 years fishing

first season owning the gear

about 20 years fishing

6 years fishing

Brian Bond – Former Captain

Passed away at the end of the 2016 lobster season

(Photo courtesy of Natalie Gaudon)

For more information on this project, click here.

Photos – Cassie MacGillivray and Kathryn Collicott

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