We are looking for true stories. We do not publish fiction. We do not accept content that is thinly-disguised advertising or publicity. Take time to review previously published content to familiarize yourself with the styles and content of fellow storytellers. We are open to unique approaches that counter much of the traditional mainstream media. We don’t just want stories from the past, but also contemporary stories from young and old that contribute to the sustainability and appreciation of rural lifestyles.

The PARNS curation team accepts photos, text, audio and video stories. All submissions will be reviewed for their suitability. We will reply to you as soon as possible. Please review Guidelines

You can submit story content in the following formats:

  1. Print stories (text up to 1,200 words with one to six photographs with captions and a catchy title)
  2. Photo collections (photos with captions on a theme)
  3. Video moments (interesting slices of life)
  4. Short films (under ten minutes long)
  5. Documentaries (over ten minutes long)
  6. Digital Albums (multi-media presentations including text, photographs, and audio)
  7. FACES (single photographs of the faces of individuals with accompanying information)
  8. Sound bites (audio interviews, conversations, or personal reflections accompanied by a photograph with caption)
  9. Musical moments (live performances)

If you do not want to submit a story, you can:

  1. Suggest story ideas or storytellers
  2. Suggest a research paper or information source for our Resources Page
  3. Research and write your own article (1,500 words with citation and references)